Longing For Time With My Lord


In a little while, it will be Holy Thursday.   I have been pushing myself really hard this week because I was hoping to have all of my regualr work done, in order to really get into the experience of the Triduum  It is now 10 minutes before midnight...and i am nowhere near being able to knock off the work list for the remainder of the week;

  I am trying to catch up from being gone for the last several weeks for ministry.

  We are trying to help our 16 year old John Patrick get ready for his school mission trip which begins right after Easter.

  I am trying to get everything ready to take a group of High School students on a Renewal Ministries Mission trip to Mexico City next Monday morning.

  My Mom turns 89 on Easter...we are putting together a little celebration for her.

I remember years ago having limitless hours to spend in Church, or in silent meditation before The Lord.  I can remember some years when I would go into a desert place and spend from Holy Thursday to the first light of Sunday morning alone, fasting and in silence.

I don't think that is going to be happening this year.

I will be blocking out time for Church during each of these holy days...but it won't be  complete days of silence and stillness.

I am frustrated that life is so busy.  I really hope God understands.

I think the things I am doing are good things and important things.

But there will never be an end of "good things" and "important " things to do.

Somewhow we must find a balance between an active life and a contemplative one.

If you ever get it figured out....please let me know.

Carve out as much time as you can in the next few days for reflection on, and participation in these holy days.


Author: JimMurphy   20130327  
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