The man who walked across the U.S. in prayer!
Being a Disciple
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| Internet Dark Side HELP PROTECT YOUR FAMILY! The Internet and this web site are a critical tool for the ministry of Vera Cruz Communciations. Unfortunately the Internet also has a very dark side. There is much truth in the phrase "what you view becomes a part of you!" This is true for adults and children. Don't let the Internet come bewteen you and the awesome God who loves you.
616.846.9092 - P.O. Box 350 Ferrysburg MI 49409 |
 | Remembering the Triumph of the Cross in Rome
It is very late in Rome, but I had to take a minute to write you and to
share this special day with you; the Triumph of the Cross. (more) | Date: 20160916 Author: JM |
How could anyone throw this crucifix in the trash?
Last evening, at a Church in Tykocin, Poland, an elderly priest showed me this cricifix, dated pre- World War I, which was recovered from a trash heap (more) | |  | Date: 20160810 Author: JM |
 | What about this flame ....
What about this flame coming from the Heart? What does this tell us? (more) | Date: 20160613 Author: JM |
The Thorns and the Wound
When we see the thorns and the wound in the Sacred Heart, we are immediatly drawn back to Calvary.
(more) | |  | Date: 20160606 Author: JM |
 | The Month of the Sacred Heart
We tend to "take for granted" these devotions that have been around for centuries, but there is still so much to learn. (more) | Date: 20160602 Author: JM |
Pentecost Reflection IV
The Heavenly Father has poured the Holy Spirit into you because He loves you. God wants to see you happy, your life changed and meaningful. The purpo (more) | |  | Date: 20160527 Author: JM |
 | Pentecost Reflection III
We have been talking about the grace of God, which surpasses human effort. We have also recognized our need to respond to and cooperate with that gra (more) | Date: 20160523 Author: JM |
Cooperating with the Holy Spirit
The other day we spoke about the significance of grace, "a ray of Light Divine." Nothing replaces God's gift. (more) | |  | Date: 20160519 Author: JM |
 | Shed a Ray of Divine Life ...
Christians now turn their attention to the marvelous events of Pentecost....the out pouring of the Holy Spirit upon the early Church. (more) | Date: 20160516 Author: JM |
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